Isoetes spp. - Amphianthus pusillus Granitic Outcrop Pool Alliance
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This vegetation is endemic to freshwater rock pools on granitic flatrocks and domes of the southern United States. Examples on granitic outcrops of Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama are generally dominated by <i>Amphianthus pusillus, Isoetes melanospora</i>, and/or <i>Isoetes tegetiformans</i>, in seasonally flooded pools. Other species which may occur are <i>Callitriche heterophylla, Cyperus granitophilus, Pilularia americana</i>, and <i>Juncus georgianus</i>. In addition, the winter annual <i>Diamorpha smallii</i> may occupy adjacent marginal areas of this community, which are flooded for shorter periods of time. In central Texas, examples occur in freshwater rock pools on granite outcrops of the Llano Uplift. These are characterized by <i>Anagallis minima, Bacopa rotundifolia, Callitriche heterophylla, Crassula aquatica, Elatine brachysperma, Heteranthera limosa, Isoetes lithophila, Isoetes melanopoda, Juncus diffusissimus, Lepuropetalon spathulatum, Mimulus glabratus var. jamesii, Pilularia americana</i>, and <i>Plantago heterophylla</i>.
Accession Code:{09A74176-3162-4B11-B67B-6697320D124C}
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