Agave shawii - Fouquieria columnaris - Yucca valida / Dudleya spp. Coastal Succulent Scrub Group
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This succulent scrub group is highly variable and fairly restricted in extent, ranging from succulent-rich coastal scrub types found along the central Baja California coast to a depauperate extension north into southern California and the more southerly Channel Islands. Stands are dominated by succulent species, which may be herbaceous (<i>Dudleya</i> spp.), leaf succulents (<i>Agave</i> spp., <i>Yucca</i> spp.), cacti of moderate to tall stature, or pachycaulus woody species (<i>Euphorbia misera, Pachycormus discolor</i>). These California and Baja plant species include <i>Agave deserti, Agave shawii, Bergerocactus emoryi, Ferocactus viridescens, Lycium californicum, Cylindropuntia californica var. parkeri, Opuntia littoralis, Cylindropuntia prolifera, Simmondsia chinensis, Yucca schidigera</i>, and <i>Yucca valida</i>. The central Baja stands are dominated by arborescent xeromorphic species, including <i>Fouquieria columnaris, Pachycereus pringlei, Pachycormus discolor</i>, and <i>Yucca valida</i>. Most stands also have a component of smaller drought-deciduous shrubs, some of which are shared with ~Californian Coastal Scrub Macrogroup (M044)$$. These include such species as <i>Artemisia californica, Encelia californica, Eriogonum fasciculatum</i>, and <i>Viguiera laciniata</i>. Sites in northern Baja and southern California are isolated on maritime coastal bluffs and terraces, surrounded by more extensive stands of chaparral or coastal sage scrub [see ~Californian Chaparral Macrogroup (M043)$$ and ~Californian Coastal Scrub Macrogroup (M044)$$]. These areas are frost-free and receive the majority of their rainfall in the winter, unlike most other parts of the Sonoran Desert. This group receives the least annual precipitation of the California and Baja California coastal shrublands; a significant proportion is augmented by summer fog drip. Extended drought is common, which favors plants with water storage capabilities. Substrates range from coarse- to fine-textured soils.
Accession Code:{59B30E90-90D1-481D-9656-356A16E464CE}
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