VegBranch- loading table information - Party Information
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VegBranch Loading Tables Overview -- Party Information (A)

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Summary: Information about the different people (parties) involved in your plots, projects, taxa, and classifications.
Description: Party data has a UserPartyCode which can then be used to identify any party in other loading tables. This code can be any combination of letters or numbers. Firstname plus lastname would make a good code if you have no codes already for parties.
This table allows you to enter data about each party, such as names, organization, address, and phone number.
Required in VegBranch: Not required. VegBranch can generate this table from other tables (Plot Data and Plot Community Data) with the Party Form or Metadata Form.
Represents VegBank Tables: party, address (1), telephone (1)
VegBranch can generate for you: VegBranch can generate this table from the contrib fields in Plot Data (or Plot Normalized) and the InterpParty fields in Plot Communities.
Questions: Who participated in observing or classifying plots?
Who are you?
Information about them.
Expertise Level: basic

Fields (Columns) in this table:

» Required fields; you should always fill in values for these:
  text (255)
A unique code that will refer to a party consistently throughout the loading process. Other loading tables will use this code to reference the party of this record. The code can be any combination of letters and numbers. If you don't have a code for parties, you could simply use the first name and the last name for a code.
» Best Practice fields:
  text (50)
Name shared in common to identify the members of a family, as distinguished from each member's given name.
  Text (100)
Name of an organization.
» Commonly used fields:
  text (50)
One's first name.
  Text (50)
Position of party within organization.
  text (100)
email address of party member
» Sometimes used fields:
  Text (50)
One's middle name or initial, if any.
Instructions for contacting a party.
  text (30)
Telephone number.
  text (20)
This is the type of telephone: home, work, fax, cell, secretary, other.
  Text (200)
Address line for the location: for example, Street name, box number, suite.
  Text (50)
City of the location.
  Text (50)
State, province of the location.
  Text (10)
Zip code or other postal code.
  Text (50)
Country of the physical address.
  Text (50)
This flag signifies whether the address is the current address of the party. "True" is used for addresses that are current.
The first database date on which the address/organization information applied (have a discrete date on which address is known to applied -- not necessarily the first date on which the address applied).
  text (40)
The type of party this is. Person is the most common type.
» Internal VegBranch fields, please do not edit directly:
Database generated identifier assigned to each unique party.
  Long Integer
The Party_ID of this Party that has been migrated into VegBank module.
  Text (100)
Code that uniquely references the party corresponding to this record, allowing reference to this record for this version of this database. Better than a primary key, which is automatically generated by a database and not globally unique. VegBank Accession codes are only generated by VegBank, and therefore data integrity can be guaranteed, unlike with a primary key (number).


Examples of this data table:

simple Party data example:

gramling@somewhere.comGramling Chapel Hill 27514 TRUE 555-1212Cell
Lee, MichaelLee Michael         
Lee Anne JacobsJacobsAnneLee  567 Theissen St.ThunBern Switzerland 4/2/2002 0:00632/ 41 612Home

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