VegBranch- loading table information - Community Concept
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VegBranch Loading Tables Overview -- Community Concept (H)

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Summary: This table is very similar to the Species List loading table. You may match you community codes to real community names, or add new communities to the vegbank module.
Description: To match your community codes to real communities names that would be found in the vegbank module, use commCode for your code and commName for the name that you with to be looked up in the vegbank module. To add new communities, you must fill in commConceptStatus and reference. Use commName as the name that will be the basis for the new community.
Required in VegBranch: This table is required only if you have new community concepts to add to VegBank.
Represents VegBank Tables: commName, commConcept, commStatus (1), commUsage (4-5), and commCorrelation (4).
VegBranch can generate for you: VegBranch can populate this table from community names in other tables that do not match records in the VegBank module.
Questions: Do you have synonymized community concepts (for example, you call it X, but it is now called Y)?
Do you have new community concepts to add to VegBank?
Expertise Level: medium/expert

Fields (Columns) in this table:

» Required fields; you should always fill in values for these:
  Text (255)
A code that uniquely identifies a communitiy concept in your other loading tables (Plot Community). This can be any combination of letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols. It can be a real code, such as a CEGL code, or a temporary code, such as a number. It could be the community name, too, so long as it does not exceed 255 characters. For communities with names more than 255 characters, you must use this table and select a shorter (perhaps the first 255 characters) code for the commCode. The commName (in Community Concept Loading Table) may be longer than 255 characters. Note that the other tables need not reference communities in this table, but can reference those already in the vegbank module directly by name. For more on how this works, see the Translate Data form.
The Comm name for which VegBranch will look up the Community in your vegbank module. If the Comm name is not found, then the current record will be added as a new Comm concept, based on the name in this field.
» Commonly used fields:
A shorter, alternative Name that corresponds to the current Comm Concept record, perhaps lacking authority; an abbreviation. This set of fields (starting with "CommShortName") need not actually be a shorter Comm name, but can be any Comm name usage to be added to the VegBank module. This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
Another set of fields to add another Comm name Usage, perhaps a common name, perhaps not. This set of fields (starting with "CommCommonName") need not actually be a common Comm name, but can be any Comm name usage to be added to the VegBank module. This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
  Text (50)
A string (text field) that identifies to you, the user, what reference this Comm Concept record will be based upon. You will be prompted to translate this reference string to an actual reference in the VegBank module (or you can add a new reference). Required for all new concepts to be added to VegBank. Will be ignored for all concepts that are matched to VegBank module concepts.
  Text (50)
A string (text field) that identifies to you, the user, what reference the CommNames on this record (commName, commShortName, commCommonName, otherCommName) were originally cited in. You will be prompted to translate this reference string to an actual reference in the VegBank module (or you can add a new reference). Not required, and you can add references to individual names in VegBranch if different references are necessary for the different names on this record.
A description of the Comm Concept by the party contributing the Comm Concept. This is used to provide more information about the Comm Concept. Ignored for concepts that are matched to extant VegBank concepts.
  Text (22)
A level in the taxonomic hierarchy to which the current Comm Concept belongs (i.e. alliance, association). Part of the Party Perspective.
  Text (50)
Status of the concept by the party (accepted, not accepted, undetermined). Part of the Party Perspective.
Comments by party providing rationale for status assignment in CommConceptStatus. Part of the Party Perspective.
» Sometimes used fields:
  Text (50)
The name of the classification system for the name in CommName (e.g., NVC-Scientific). This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
  Text (50)
The name of the classification system for the name in CommShortName (e.g., NVC-Scientific). This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
  Text (50)
The name of the classification system for the name in CommCommonName (e.g., NVC-Scientific). This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
Another set of fields to add another Comm name Usage. This set of fields (starting with "otherCommName") can be any type of CommName to be added to the VegBank module. This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
  Text (50)
The name of the classification system for the name in otherCommName (e.g., NVC-Scientific). This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
  Text (50)
The name of the Comm Parent for the current Comm Concept. A Comm Parent is part of the Party Perspective and identifies which CommConcept the Current Concept should be nested under in the taxonomic hierarchy. For example if this Comm Concept were at the alliance level the Comm Parent would be the Comm Concept that is the formation level. The name used here will be looked up in the VegBank module or should reference a CommCode of a different record in this table.
  Text (255)
2 uses for this field: 1) the updated name of a taxon in CommName; 2) if a new CommConcept being added to VegBank, the first of up to 4 synonyms to be correlated to standard VegBank concepts (then CommConceptStatus should then be not accepted).
  Text (50)
If CommSyn1 is of the 2nd usage in its definition, this Convergence value indicates the relationship between the new concept of this record and the correlated concept in CommSyn1. Otherwise, this can be left blank.
  Text (255)
Another Comm Synonym, similar to CommSyn1, in use 2 of its definition.
  Text (50)
Correlation for CommSyn2. (see CommSynConverg1 for definition)
  Text (255)
Another Comm Synonym, similar to CommSyn1, in use 2 of its definition.
  Text (50)
Correlation for CommSyn3. (see CommSynConverg1 for definition)
  Text (255)
Another Comm Synonym, similar to CommSyn1, in use 2 of its definition.
  Text (50)
Correlation for CommSyn4. (see CommSynConverg1 for definition)
» Fields for expert users:
  Text (50)
Is the name in CommName standard according to the party adding party perspective? This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
  Text (50)
Is the name in CommShortName standard according to the party adding party perspective? This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
  Text (50)
Is the name in CommCommonName standard according to the party adding party perspective? This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
  Text (50)
Is the name in OtherCommName standard according to the party adding party perspective? This will be migrated to the CommUsage table for all records that have a party perspective added.
» Internal VegBranch fields, please do not edit directly:
Database assigned unique identifier for this table.
  Text (12)
True if this is a new concept to be added to VegBank. You can set how VegBranch determines if a concept is new in the Metadata form.
  Text (50)
True if party perspective for this record will be added if new concepts are being added to vegbank. You can set how VegBranch determines if party perspective is added in the Metadata form.
internal field


Examples of this data table:

simple example with translated community codes into "real" names that can be looked up.:


Download this example as a .csv file
