VegBranch- loading table information - Disturbance Data
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VegBranch Loading Tables Overview -- Disturbance Data (G)

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Summary: Data about evidence of disturbance observed on the plot.
Description: Different types of disturbance can be described in this table. Plots may have many different types of disturbance, each with its own record in this table. Each plot is linked to Plot Data by authorPlotCode.
Required in VegBranch: Not required.
Represents VegBank Tables: disturbanceObs
VegBranch can generate for you: no
Questions: Was disturbance evidence recorded for the plots?
Expertise Level: medium

Fields (Columns) in this table:

» Required fields; you should always fill in values for these:
  text (100)
Author's Plot number/code, or the original plot number if taken from literature. This "points" to the right plot in the Plot Data Loading Table.
  text (30)
The type of disturbance being reported
» Best Practice fields:
Text description of details of the disturbance and its impact on the vegetation.
» Commonly used fields:
  text (30)
Intensity or degree of the disturbance.
Estimated time in years since the disturbance event.
Percent of the plot that experienced the event.
» Internal VegBranch fields, please do not edit directly:
Database generated identifier assigned to each unique disturbance observation.


Examples of this data table:

simple example with a few fields only:

plt1FireSevere1Heavy fires burned this area about 15 months ago.
plt1InsectsModerate Caterpillars
plt2HikingModerate Campers and trails, some beer cans

Download this example as a .csv file
