VegBranch- loading table information - Stem Classes
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VegBranch Loading Tables Overview -- Stem Classes (E2)

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Summary: Stem data in size classes and DBH lists
Description: Stem Data arranged in size classes (tally the number of stems in each class) and/or lists of stem DBH's (values separated by commas)
Required in VegBranch: Not required.
Represents VegBank Tables: stemCount
VegBranch can generate for you: no
Questions: Did you use stem size classes to count stems or have lists of stem DBH's?
Expertise Level: basic

Fields (Columns) in this table:

» Required fields; you should always fill in values for these:
  Text (100)
Author's Plot number/code, or the original plot number if taken from literature. This "points" to the right plot in the Plot Data Loading Table.
  Text (255)
A code that refers to a plant concept. This code may be found in the Species List loading table. It may also link directly to a name in the vegbank module. For this reason, a species list loading table is not necessary, if your plants can be found in the vegbank module. Rules for how plant codes are looked up in the vegbank module may be found in the Translate Data Form, on the step where VegBranch matches your plants to VegBank plants.
» Best Practice fields:
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
a list of DBH's (in cm) that apply to this plot-plant-stratum, separated by commas
» Commonly used fields:
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
the number of stems that are in this plot-plant-stratum of a particular size class. Size classes defined with tallyDefn field in other records in this table.
a list of DBH's (in cm) that apply to this plot-plant-stratum, separated by commas
a list of DBH's (in cm) that apply to this plot-plant-stratum, separated by commas
a list of DBH's (in cm) that apply to this plot-plant-stratum, separated by commas
a list of DBH's (in cm) that apply to this plot-plant-stratum, separated by commas
» Sometimes used fields:
  Text (50)
OPTIONAL. References a StratumIndex (1-9) in Plot Data (or Normalized Plot Data) for this plot to link this stratum to the stratum definitions that table. Most of the time, stems are listed as belonging to the whole plot, not a particular stratum. In this case, leave this field blank, which signifies that record applies to the whole plot, not just to one stratum.
  Text (50)
Health of the stem referenced in this stemLocation record. Usually used to describe "dead" stems.
» Fields for expert users:
  Text (50)
This field should be filled in only for records that define what the stem classes are, for minimum and maximum DBH and/or Height. ("minDBH", "maxDBH", "minHt", "maxHt", or Null (blank) for rows that have data.)
Area of the plot used for this stem size to determine number of stems on a plot where the plot is subsampled differently by species and size. Leave blank if the full plot size was used, or as indicated by another size field, in observation or taxonObservation.
» Internal VegBranch fields, please do not edit directly:
primary key of this table
  Long Integer
a constant, default value of 1 required for this field.


Examples of this data table:

example set of stem classes:

 plot1Acer rubrum   48143  
 plot1Quercus alba  dead  3 109 
 plot1RHODMAXherb  15     
 plot1RHODMAXunderstory  283   
 plot2ACRUs  29    
 plot2Liriodendron Tulipifera    1  63,49,57 
minDBH     012.55 this record defines the minimum DBH for this size class. You can also provide this info in the stem-classes form by double clicking the header
maxDBH     12.5515 this record defines the minimum DBH for this size class. You can also provide this info in the stem-classes form by double clicking the header

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